May 2010 must be unforgettable month for all SEO optimizers. There are a lot of algorithm changes that affect million websites across the net. There are some who gain the traffic, and there are some who lost. Although there’s no official or trusted guide to build our sites, yet it doesn’t mean we should keep silence without any act. Whatever the results then, it’s still better for us to try something new. But how do we start it? Are you affected by Google May Day update? Just read it!

Amidst the restless of the changing, I visited a lot of SEO blogs including SEOmoz recently. What I got there? Based on my analysis, we should back to nature and be more careful in optimizing, both onpage and offpage. And here are the main points.

1. Write qualified and original article. It’s highly recommended to pass 300 words in every single post.
2. If you have ignored the use of meta description and meta keywords for several years, you need to take it agaian because Google seems to give more value for any page that contains those requirement.
3. Avoid bad link building strategy. If long time ago blog commenting to any blog still gave us any value, it’s considered a little bit useless.
4. Don’t leave page attribute like bolding, italicizing and underlining.

Well, I think all of you have already understood with such issue, however, I believe some of you have already ignored it before. For that reason, just think about it and try to use it again. Once you try, you can feel the different.

Okay, that’s all a little tips for those who have been affected by Google May Day update. You can read the whole analysis at SEOmoz. Have a nice day and good bye.

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