Over the past two years, I always use this blog to share about anything, either SEO in more specific way or even make money online in general. If you used to come here, you must be understand that during those years, I never monetize this blog in better way. Considering that I really need more money in this year, like it or not, I should change the concept extremely. And I believe this is the right time to that business because I am prety sure that most Indonesian people are already good in search engine optimization.
Since making money online is really difficult if I keep to write in Bahasa Indonesia, that’s why from now on, I will update this blog with English though my grammar isn’t good as yours. If one of you think that this is not the right time to change the concept, I am really sorry. I should tell you that I have to.
Besides, every people need to have better earning and income. When I have a qualified blog that isn’t well monetized, I think it’s no problem to maximize it. This is reasonable choice amidst he global recession, right?
Well, for the first trial, I think this simple post is enough. I will be back again next if I have had some new idea to be posted. Good bye and I will see you next time.
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